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ISA International Education Group

The ISA International Education Group (ISAIEG) was founded by senior education experts from many of the world’ s leading international education groups and prestigious schools in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, China and China Hong Kong. The ISAIEG is committed to establishing the world's leading international education brand, providing students, parents, and teachers from many countries with a multicultural campus environment and high-quality services.

The group has already established over 10 schools or programmes, including four international schools (ISA Tianhe, ISA Science City, ISA Liwan and ISA Wuhan International School), two K-12 ISA Wenhua Schools (ISA Wenhua Liwan School and ISA Wenhua Wuhan School) and an ISA Senior Years Programme cooperated with Guangzhou Foreign Language School (Guangzhou Foreign Language School ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme) and a ISA Senior Years Programme cooperated with Wuhan No.2 Middle School (Wuhan No.2 Middle School ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme) .

ISA attaches great importance to the growth of every student, and provides students with diversified curricula and customised pathways to university including IB, A Level, AP, HKDSE, CNC, Japanese Programme, Visual Arts/ Music and Performance/STEAM etc.

ISA schools have now attracted over 3,000 students from families of Fortune 500 companies, foreign consulates, and chambers of commerce as well as families who aspire to promote cultural integration from more than 50 countries and areas. The ISAIEG has become one of the largest investments among international education institutions, along with the largest number of students among the top international schools. ISAIEG has a high degree of internationalisation and the highest concentration of foreign talents in the Greater Bay Area.

ISA’s first two graduating cohorts, comprising 96 students, secured 812 offers from world-renowned universities and accumulated scholarship offers totaling USD 6.64 million.. Successfully nurtured in-house, among them with one graduate admitted to the University of Cambridge. These offers were from JHU, UCLA, VU, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, HKU and other prestigious universities worldwide including the G5 universities in UK, the top 30 universities and Ivy League universities in the USA, the top 3 universities in Hong Kong (China), the G8 universities in Australia, the top 2 universities in Canada and the top 10 art institutions in the world.

We will have the first cohort of CNC graduates sitting the China National College Entrance Examination in 2026 and we are confident that they will gain recognition from top universities in China and become culturally aware professionals within their chosen industries!

In 2022, ISAIEG was awarded the 2022 Education Group with Great Comprehensive Strength by Sohu Education. In 2023, ISAIEG won the Outstanding Contribution Award (education group) at the 30 years Awards Ceremony of International School in China.


ISA graduates aspire to serve in international organizations, transnational institutes, succeed in the family industry, and promote cultural integration