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Chemistry and Biology 化学与生物

  • 2024 British Biology Olympiad (BBO) – 1 global gold award, 1 global silver award, 1 global bronze award, 1 global commended
  • 2024 BioOlympiad Initiative USA-China (BIO-USACN) – 1 national silver award, 1 regional honor award
  • 2024 HOSA Biology and Health Future Leaders Challenge – 1 regional outstanding honor award in the Biological category, 1 regional silver award in the Basic Chemistry category, 1 regional gold award in the Behavioral Health category, and 2 regional outstanding awards in the Behavioral Health category
  • 2023 Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (JCCO) – 1 global silver award, 1 global commendation, 1 national gold award, 2 national silver awards, 1 national bronze award, 2 regional commendations
  • In the 2023 HOSA Biology and Health Future Leaders China Summit, 3 students performed well and received honorary certifications, and were alternate promoted to the 2023 HOSA Global Summit.
  • 2023 Avogadro Exam – 2 Certificate of Distinction
  • 2023 Chem 13 News Exam – 2 school’s Certificate of Distinction
  • 2022 Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (JCCO) – 6 global excellence awards, 1 national silver award, 4 national bronze awards, 1 national regional award
  • 2022Brain Bee – 1 national first prize
  • 2022 UKChO – 1 global silver award, 1 global bronze award
  • The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad – 1 national gold award, 1 global bronze award
  • 2021 Canadian Chemistry Contest – 1 global silver award, 1 regional honor award


  • 2024英国生物测评(BBO) – 1枚全球金奖、1枚全球银奖、1枚全球铜奖、1枚全球优秀奖
  • 2024美国生物测评(BIO-USACN) – 1枚全国银奖、1枚区域优秀奖
  • 2024 HOSA生物与健康未来领袖挑战赛 – 1枚生物方向区域优秀荣誉奖,1枚基础化学方向区域银奖,1枚行为健康方向区域金奖、2枚行为健康方向区域杰出奖
  • 2023加拿大化学测评(初级) – 1枚全球银奖、1枚全球优秀奖、1枚全国金奖、2枚全国银奖、1枚全国铜奖、2枚全国区域优秀奖
  • 2023 Chem 13 News Exam – 2校优秀奖(Certificate of Distinction)
  • 2023年阿伏伽德罗化学竞赛(Avogadro Exam) – 2枚优秀奖(Certificate of Distinction)
  • 2023年HOSA生物与健康未来领袖2023中国站峰会中,3位学生表现优异,获得荣誉认证,候补晋级HOSA2023全球站峰会
  • 2022加拿大初级化学奥林匹克竞赛(JCCO) – 6枚全球优秀奖、1枚全国银奖、4枚全国铜奖、1枚全国区域奖
  • 2022Brain Bee脑科学全国活动(International Brain Bee Championship) – 1枚全国一等奖
  • 2022英国化学奥林匹克竞赛 (UKChO) – 1枚全球银奖、1枚全球铜奖
  • 加拿大初级化学奥林匹克竞赛 (The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad) – 1枚全国金奖、1枚全球铜奖
  • 2021加拿大化学竞赛 (Canadian Chemistry Contest) – 1枚全球银奖、1枚地区荣誉奖