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Arts 艺术类


  • In the International Children’s Art Exhibition, the work of G10 student Song was recognized as an annual award-winning excellent children’s painting and was invited to be exhibited at the Louvre in France as a representative work of China
  • 2022 Vienna Summer Festival – Gold Award in Other Ensembles, Teenagers for ISA PAI Orchestra
  • The 2022 Online Young Thespian Festival – First Prize and Young Thespian Festival Musical Theatre Champion for ISA International Academy Musical Theatre Class
  • 在国际儿童艺术展中,G10年级宋同学的作品被评为年度获奖优秀儿童画作,作为中国代表作受邀在法国卢浮宫进行展出
  • 2022维也纳之夏艺术节 -爱莎艺术团乐团荣获Other Ensembles,Teenagers组别金奖
  • 2022线上全国青少年戏剧节 -爱莎国际学苑音乐剧剧团获全国青少年戏剧节音乐团体剧冠军