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STEM 科技类


  • Won the Australian championship in the 2024 FRC International Industrial Robot Top Competition and became the only team alliance in the field to qualify for the American Global Finals
  • 2024 International Space Scholars Meeting – ISA Wuhan team won the national championship and was the runner-up for the second consecutive time, and at the same time, won the Best Proposal Award, the Best System Design Award, the Best Leadership Award, the Best Speaker Award along with other team and individual awards
  • 2024 FRC国际工业机器顶级大赛澳洲赛区中勇夺澳洲区冠军,成为全场唯一晋级美国全球总决赛的队伍联盟
  • 2024全球未来太空学者大会中国赛区 -武汉爱莎代表队夺全国冠军,连续两届蝉联全国亚军,同时赢得最佳提案奖、最佳系统设计奖、最佳领导力奖、最佳演讲人奖等多项团队及个人奖项,为本届大赛唯一“大满贯” 获胜学校